A-TIG welding AA7075 ABAQUS ABC Ablation Abrasion resistant Abrasive wear ABS Accelerated cooling Accelerated processing unit Accumulative Angular Drawing Accuracy index Accurate numerical compuatation AceGen package ACI440.2R Acoustic emission AD 31 Adaptive filtering Adaptive filters Adaptive finite element method Adaptive grids Adaptivity Additive manufacturing Adhesive joint ADI Advanced ultra-high strength steels Advancing Front Technique Advection-diffusion equation Advection-diffusion-reaction Advisory system Agent-based information processing Agglomeration AHSS steel Aircraft preliminary design phase Aircraft wheel hub AISI4135 Al 6061-T6 Al-Cu-Mg alloy Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni alloy Al-Mg alloy Al-Mn alloy Alloy design Alloys Alluminium hot rolling Alternating directions solver Alumina matrix composite Aluminium Aluminium 6061-T6 Aluminium alloy Aluminium alloys Aluminium wrought alloys 6061 Aluminum Aluminum alloy Aluminum extrusion Aluminum forging Aluminum oxide AMD Amorphous polyethylene Analysis Analysis of variance Analytical approach for analyzing of mass and heat transfer Analytical approach for modeling Analytical method Analytical model Analytical modelling Andrews curves ANFIS Anisotropic meshing and remeshing Anisotropy Anisotropy of the tube material Application Application of artificial intelligence APU Archard model Arching Area ratio Area-preserving crystalline curvature flow ARM Artificial anisotropy Artificial Bee Colony Artificial heart Artificial heart chamber Artificial heart valves Artificial immune system Artificial intelligence Artificial Neural Network Artificial neural networks Artificial neural networks modelling Association rules Asymmetric incremental sheet forming Atomic model Atomic models Atomic potential Au ball Augmented reality Austempered ductile iron Austenite grain size Austenitic stainless steel Austenitic stainless steels Austenitic steel Automated aircraft wing design Automated ultrasonic testing systems Automatic hp adaptivity Automatic optimization Automatic surface inspection system Automotive inspection Automotive part optimization Automotive parts Automotive wheel Avalanche Average flow model AW 6063 Awl-shaped dies Axle shafts Azobenzene
B-splines Back propagation algorithm Backflow effect Bainite Bainitic steel Bainitic steels Bainitic transformation Barrelling induced shear Bauschinger effect Bayesian networks Beam blanks and blooms Bending Bending and torsional stiffness Berkovich Bézier curves Bézier splines Bi-metallic component Bi-velocity method Bicrystal Bimetallic bars Bimetallic rolls Binary Alloy Binary collision Binder Bio-inspired optimization methods Bio-inspired optimization strategies Bioactive glass Bioinspired algorithms Bioinspired optimization algorithms Biomaterials Biometric Fusion Bipolar plate Blade-and-roll coating Blanking Blanking process Blast furnace Bloch waves Blood flow Blood model Bondability Boosting trees Borehole resistivity measurement simulations Boron Steels Boundary condition Boundary element method Boundary integral equations method Boundary inverse problem Brake calliper piston Bridged graph Brittle creep fracture Bubble shape factor Buckling bulging Bulk metal forming Burden distribution Burgers model Burnishing rolling Business rules management
CAD CAFE Cahn-Hilliard equations Calculator tool Calibration curve Camphor model Capacitance-voltage curve Capillary tip shape Car body inspection Carbide dissolution Carbon Carbon steel C10 Carbonitrides Carreau constitutive equation Cascaded thermal lattice Boltzmann method Case-based reasoning Cast aluminium alloy Cast iron Casting Casting cooling Casting defects Casting technology CCT diagram CDM Cellular Automata Cellular Automata Cellular automaton Cementite lamellas Centre segregation Centrifugal casting Centrifugal pump CFD Change of the strain path Channels rolling Characterization Charge heating Chemical Chemical molecular graphs Circle of Willis Circulation rate Clamping Classification Classification And Regression Trees Clinching Closed-die forging Clotting CLSVOF method Clustering by output values CO2 emission Coating Coating flows Cohesive interface Cohesive zone model Cold drawing Cold forming Cold heading Cold roll forming Cold roll-forming Cold rolled steel slitting Cold rolling Cold work tool steel Collocation method Combined finite-discrete element method Combined hardening model Combined mechanical and heat transfer problem Communication Compact Test specimen Compaction Comparison Complex-shaped objects Composite Composite simulation Composite-reinforced metal structures Composites Compression test Compression tests Computational electrochemistry Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Computational fluid dynamic CFD Computational fluid dynamics Computational homogenization Computational intelligence Computer aided design Computer aided engineering Computer aided manufacturing Computer analysis Computer experiment Computer modelling Computer science Computer simulation Computer simulations Computer system Computing costs Computing methods Concrete beam Condary metallurgy Condition number Conductance Conformity Conical heat source Conjugate gradient method Connecting parts Considére criterion Consolidation Constitutive model Constitutive modelling Constrained compression test Constrained Groove Pressing (CGP) Construction optimisation Contact Contact modeling Contact poling Contact resistance Contact zone Continuous annealing Continuous annealing/galvanizing Continuous casting Continuous dynamic recrystallization Continuous material data representation Continuous steel casting process Continuum damage mechanics Continuum growth Contradictory data set Control and optimization system of industrial Control of metallurgical processes Control system Control theory Control Volume Method Controlled cooling Controlled forming Convective heat transfer Conventional material model Converting Convexification Convolutional neural networks Cooling Cooling control Cooling of rails Cooling of rods Copper flash smelting Copper flash smelting process Copper removal Copper-chromium alloys Correlation method Correlation of grey scales Coupled Coupled multiscale model CP steel CPFEM Cr2N Crack Crack formation Crack initiation Crack propagation Cracking Crackling noise Cracks Creep Creep fracture Creep resistant steels Creep-fatigue Crimping Critical plane approach Critical strain Critical stress Cryptography Crystal growth Crystal plasticity Crystal plasticity finite element method Crystal plasticity model Crystallization Crystallographic texture CS CT reconstruction Cu-Cr alloys Cu-Ni-Ti system Cube Cube orientation CUDA Cure reaction Current saturation and ideality factor Cutting Clearance Cutting pattern CV joint body CVD Cybersociety Cyclic hardening
Damage Damage coupled constitutive model Damage factor Damage mechanics Dark and illumination current–voltage Darken method Data acquisition Data augmentation Data cleaning Data envelopment analysis Data extraction Data filtering Data integration Data mining Data preparation Data preparation methods Data reduction Data transformation Databases DC resistivity borehole measurements DE Decision support Decision support system Decision support systems Decision tree Decision trees Decoupled homogenization Decreasing of mismatch-induced stresses Deep drawing Deep Learning Defect Defects Defects and neural network method Deformation Deformation analysis Deformation heating Deformation induced martensite Deformation modelling Deformation path Delaunay meshes DEM Dents Design Design of experiment Design of experiments Design of manufacturing technology Deterministic Device simulation Diamond microfluidic device Die forging Die land Die shape Die wear Dieless drawing Differential evaluation Differential evolution Differential Scanning Colorimetry Diffusion Diffusion kinetics Diffusion of carbon Diffusion path Digital factory Digital Image Correlation Digital material Digital material representation Digital Material Representation Digital microstructure Dilatation Dirac delta function Direct charging Direct energy deposition Direct solvers Disc granulator Discrete duality finite volume method Discrete element method Discrete element model Discrete particle Dislocation density Dislocation density evolution Dislocation dynamics Dissimilar welding Dissipation factor Distributed and heterogeneous sources Distributed computing Dnamic recrystallization DP steel DP steels Drag and non-drag forces Drawbead Drawbeads Drawing Drawing out process Drawing process Drop forging Drucker-Prager model Dual phase steel Dual-phase lag equation Ductile failure Ductile fracture Ductile fracture criterion Ductile fracture indicators Ductility Ducts Duplex cast steel Dynamic neural networks Dynamic recrystallization Dynamic stress intensity factor Dynamical diffraction theory
Eastic-plastic orthotropic material Effect of moisture Effect of tool speed Effective compliance Effective material properties Effective properties Effective properties of acoustic metamaterials Efficiency Eigen value Elastic-plastic problem Elasticity Elasto-plastic material Elasto-plastic model Elasto-plasticity Electric Arc Furnace Electric resistance furnace Electrical equipment Electromagnetic stirring Electromagnetism Electron beam welding Electrophoresis Element partition tree Element-free Galerkin Elemental powders Elliptic system Embedded systems Engineering software Entropy production Epitaxial growth Epitaxy from gas phase Epoxy resin Equal channel angular pressing Equation of motion Equilibrium phase diagram Equivalent drawbead Equivalent finite difference equation Equivalent strain Estimation of lag times Eulerian mesh Evolution Evolution of dislocations Evolutionary algorithm Evolutionary algorithms Evolutionary computation Evolutionary computing Evolutionary methodology Evolutionary optimization algorithm Experiment Experimental analysis Experimental design Expert system Expert systems Explicit FE method Explicit method Exploration Explosive welding Exponential convergence External heating Extraction of ion beam from plasma source Extrapolated Crank-Nicholson Extrusion Extrusion pressure Extrusion pressures Extrusion-type forging
Facing by resistance sintering Failure Failure analysis Failure criteria Failure probability Failure strain Fasteners Fatigue Fatigue analysis Fatigue crack Fatigue reliability FDM FDTD simulation FE modelling FE simulation FE simulations Fe-Fe3C diagram FEA FEA modelling Feedforward Feedstock FEM FEM analysis FEM modelling FFT FGM Fiber tensor Fiber-metal laminates Fiber-reinforced polymers Filler metal Filtering of the data Fine-grained materials Fine-grained microstructure Finite difference method Finite element Finite element analysis Finite element computations Finite element mesh generation Finite element method Finite element method Finite element method (FEM) Finite element method-based simulation Finite element modeling Finite Element Modelling Finite element simulation Finite element system Finite elements Finite elements method Finite-difference methods Finite-element method Finite-element-analysis Finite-strain constitutive model Fire-line Fitting Flanging Flat bars Flat structures Flexure Flow Flow analysis Flow approach Flow curve identification Flow stress Flow stress model Fluent Fluid flow Forge Forgeability test Forging Forging defects Forging die Forging industry Forging of crank shafts Forging operations Forging process Forging processes Forging tools Formability Formability test Formalization of knowledge Forming limit curve Forming limit diagram Forming limit diagrams Forming limits Forming simulation Fourier transforms Fractional differential equations Fracture Fracture criteria Fracture location Fracture prediction Frame deformation analysis Frame stress analysis Framework Free surface Frenkel effect Friction Friction electric arc furnace Friction factor Friction model Friction shear factor Friction stir processing Friction stir welding FTIR analysis Fuel extraction Full field models Fully automatic hp-adaptivity Functional modules Functionally graded anisotropic Functionally graded material Functionally graded porous material Funnel flow Fused filament fabrication Fuzzy numbers
GaAs and CIGS Game theory Gas phase epitaxy GeForce GTX TITAN Generative models Genetic algorithm Genetic Algorithms Genetic programming Geometric dynamic recrystallization Geometry of surface roughness Germanium MOSFET Gibbs free energy Ginite element modelling Glass Glass forming Glass mat reinforced thermoplastic composite Global optimization Goal-oriented adaptivity Goss orientations GPGPU GPU GPU computation GPU computation shared memory Gradient algorithms Gradient method Gradient optimization algorithms Gradient plasticity Gradient theory Gradient-enhancement Grain analysis Grain boundaries Grain deformation Grain growth Grain radius Grain refinement Grain size Granulation Graph grammar Graph transformation Graphene Gravity die casting Gravity sand casting Grid environment Grinding Groove rolling Grooves Growth from gas phase Guest host system
Hammer forging Hard Hard coating system Hard orientation Hardenability Hardening Hardness Hase transformations modelling Heading Healing Healthcare support Heat balance Heat conduction Heat flux Heat generation Heat resistance Heat source model Heat source modelling Heat transfer Heat transfer coefficient Heat transport Heat treatment Heat treatment of rails Heating Heavy ingot Heet metal forming Hele-Shaw approximation Hencky-Ilyushin deformation theory Heston model Heterogeneity of the microstructure Heterogeneous computing Heterogeneous data source Heterogeneous hardware architectures Heterogeneous system architecture Heuristic algorithms Heuristic optimization High cycle fatigue High manganese steels High order analysis High performance computing High strength steel High strength steels High tensile steel High-duty forgings High-Mn steel High-performance materials Holding and cooling Holistic methods Hollow spheres HOMO-LUMO spectral gap Homogeneity of properties Homogenization Hot bar rolling Hot compression tests Hot deformation Hot ductility Hot forging Hot forging process Hot forming Hot rolling Hot rolling mil Hot Spotting Hot Stamping Hot strip magnesium rolling Hot strip rolling Hot tear Hot tensile test Hot work steel Hot work tool steels Hot working Hot-rolled steel sheets Houbolt method Hp adaptivity Hp-adaptive FEM Hp-Adaptive Finite Element Method Hp-adaptivity Hp-FEM Hp-finite element method HPC HSLA steel Human vascular system Human-computer interface Hybrid algorithms Hybrid computer system Hybrid constructions Hybrid evolution strategy Hybrid material Hybrid modeling Hybrid optimization Hybrid welding Hydraulic bulge test Hydraulic gap control Hydroforming Hydrogen storage Hydrostatic pressure sensitivity Hyperelastic material Hypergraph grammar
IBSD Ice Identification Identification methods Identification parameter IF steel Iipsrv Image analysis Image classification Image processing Image segmentation Image understending Images analysis Imaging Immune algorithm Immune computing Impact simulation Impermeable boundary conditions Implicit method Improvement of properties of films Inclusion Incompressible flow Incompressible flows Inconel 718R Incremental forming Indentation Industrial application Industrial data filtering Industrial problems Industrial process Industrial process control Industrial process management Industry 4.0 Inference engine Information systems Information technology Inhomogeneous deformation Inhomogenous deformation Injection molding Insitivity analysis Integral elements Intel Xeon Phi Intellectual capital Intelligence methods Intelligent control Intelligent interface Intensity factors Interaction coefficients Intercritical annealing Interdiffusion Interface Intering Internal stresses Internal variable Internet Inverse analysis Inverse Continuous Casting Problem Inverse method Inverse problem Inverse problem for the heat conduction equation Invertible graph Ion beam divergence Ion source Iron making Ironmaking Island Model Isogeometric analysis Isogeometric L2 projections Isogeomtric analysis Isothermal deformation Iteration IWO Algorithm
K-BKZ constitutive equation Keyhole Keyhole welding Keywords: Silicon thin-film solar cell Kinematic hardening Kinetics Kirkendall plane Kirkendall shift Knowledge Knowledge base Knowledge integration Knowledge management Knowledge-based optimization Knowledge-based systems Knowledge-driven systems KWN-model
L485MB Laboratory rolling Ladle nozzle opening Laminar cooling and annealing Lap Large ingot forging Large strain Laser cladding Laser cutting Laser heating Laser pulse Laser speckle Laser ultrasonics Laser welding Latent Heat Lateral force Lattice Boltzmann method Laval nozzle process Laves Layered materials LDA Lead alloy Left ventricular assist device Level set Level set method Levenberg-marquardt Lf-heating effect Lf-piercing riveting Lidification modeling Life cycle of material Life time prediction Lifetime Light microscopy Light valve Linear Friction Welding Liquid crystals Liquids and gases transport LISP LLDPE melt Local field enhancement Local heating or cooling Local integral equations Local numerical homogenization Lode angle dependence Lower bainite LS-DYNA LS-DYNA user-defined material Lubricant Lubricant film thickness Lüders-like deformation Lueders bands
M23C6 Machine learning Machine learning interatomic potentials Macroscopic stresses Magnesium alloy Magnesium alloy AZ61 Magnesium alloys Manufacture of ADI Manufacturing Manufacturing cycle Manufacturing processes Marangoni convection Marciniak test Marciniak-Kuczynski theory Martensitic stainless steel Martensitic transformation Mask R-CNN Mass and heat transport Mass transfer Mass-spring lattice MatCalc Material Material characterisation Material data base Material deterioration Material flow Material flow stress Material microstructure Material model Material models Material properties Material science eling Material science simulations Material shrinkage Material test Material testing Material uncertainties Materials characteristics Materials models Materials processing Materials science Mathematic simulation Mathematical modeling Mathematical modelling Mathematical simulation MATLAB App Designer Matrix condition number Matrix penny-shaped crack Maximum temperature Maxwell model Maxwell’s equations Mean field models Measurement systems Measuring bench Mechanical Mechanical behavior Mechanical behaviour Mechanical properties Mechanical properties of tube Mechanical response Medical data integration Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficient Melt spinning Memetic algorithm Memory management Memory-dependent derivative Mesh adaptation Mesh generation Mesh generator Mesh movement Mesh reconstruction Mesh refinement Mesh sensitivity analysis Meshless approximation Meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method Meshless method Meshless methods Meshless model Meta-modelling Metaheuristics Metal castings Metal fatigue Metal foams Metal forming Metal forming simulation Metal forming technology Metal injection moulding Metal powders Metal processing Metal product defects Metal sheet forming process Metalforming Metallic additive manufacturing Metallurgy Metamodel Metamodel driven optimization Metamodeling Metamodelling Metastable austenite Mg Mg alloy Mg/Al materials MgCa0.8 alloy MgCa08 MIC Micro crack Micro shear bands Micro-mechanics Micro-scale heat transfer Microalloyed steels Microalloying Microcontroller Microforming Microhardness Micromechanics Microscale heat transfer Microstructural model Microstructure Microstructure analysis Microstructure evolution Microstructure evolution model Microstructure mapping Microstructure Modelling Microstructure prediction Microstructure simulation Mill deformation Mindlin theory Mixed FEM Mixed finite element method Mixed integer semidefinite programming Mixed-mode model Mixed–Hybrid Finite Element Method Mixture gamma distribution MLS approximation Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel Model of deformation resistance Model of oxidation Model order reduction Modeling Modeling and simulation Modeling elastic effects in forming processes Modeling of flash smelting process Modeling of metallurgical process Modeling of process Modeling techniques Modelling Modelling and control of metallurgical processes Modelling flow stress Modelling of metallurgical processes Modelling of the metallurgical processes Models integration Modules Molecular dynamics Molecular Dynamics simulation Molecular statics Molecural static Monte Carlo Monte Carlo method Monte Carlo simulation Morris design Morris method Mortar method Moving least-squares interpolation MPI MSC.Marc® Multi – project scheduling Multi objective optimization Multi scale modelling Multi-agent system Multi-agent systems Multi-component diffusion Multi-component granular materials Multi-frontal direct solver Multi-frontal solver Multi-layer Multi-objective Multi-objective differential evolution Multi-objective evolutionary algorithm Multi-objective optimization Multi-pass welding Multi-phase field method Multi-physics coupling Multi-physics problems Multi-scale computations Multi-scale modeling Multiaxial criterion Multifrontal solver Multilayered metallic materials Multiobjective optimization Multiphase steel Multiphase steels Multiphase system Multiphysics Multiscale Multiscale analysis Multiscale approach Multiscale model Multiscale modeling Multiscale modelling Multiscale numerical analysis Multiscale numerical modelling Multiscale problem Mutation operator MVC
Nano impact test Nano indentation test Nano-impact test Nano-scale modeling Nanocoating Nanoindentation Nanoindentation test Nanolayers Nanomaterial hard coating Nanomaterials Nanomechanics Nanometals Nanoparticular Nanostructural defects Nanostructure Navier-Stokes equation Nb(C Necking Negative crystal Nes model Networks Neural model Neural net Neural network Neural networks Neurocybernetics NiTi NMI size distribution curve Nodal release Non-dominating sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) Non-homogeneous material Non-local model Non-local models Non-metallic inclusion Non-metallic inclusions Non-planar Non-stationary problems Nonlinear thermal stress waves Nonlocal model Nonlocal models Nucleation Nucleation modeling Numerical Numerical analysis Numerical and physical modeling Numerical calculation Numerical fluid mechanics Numerical homogenization Numerical methods Numerical model Numerical modeling Numerical modelling Numerical prediction Numerical simulation Numerical simulations Numerical solution NURBS NVIDIA CUDA
Object identification Observer Offload Oil-based lubricant Ontological model Ontologies OpenCL OpenMP Opinion spam Optim library Optimal design optimal element partition tree Optimal thermal cycles Optimisation methods Optimization Optimization algorithms Optimization of metallurgical processes Ordering algorithm Orthotropic properties OSA treatment Outlier detection Outline deviation Oxidation Oxides Oxidizing roasting process of sulphide zinc concentrates Oxidizing zinc roasting process
P-i-n structure Painted surfaces Parallel Parallel computing Parallel evolutionary algorithm Parallel Implementation Parallelism Parallelization Parallelization of data and tasks Parameter identification Parameter sensitivity Parameter significance Parameterization of microstructure Parameters identification Pareto Pareto front Partial and mixed lubrication Particle swarm optimization Particulate flow Partitioned solution Pattern recognition PCA PDM Pearlite Pearlitic steel Pearlitic steels Pearlitic transformation Pellet extrusion Pen-die forging Penatly approach Penetration Periodic boundary conditions Periodic microstructure Phase changes in steel Phase field Phase Transformation Phase transformation during heating Phase transformation from austenite to ferrite Phase transformation model Phase transformations Phase transition model Phononic crystals Physical modelling Physical simulation Physically-based modelling Physicochemical parameter Pipeline Plain strain compression Plane stress Plasma immersion ion implantation Plastic anisotropy Plastic deformation Plastic deformations Plasticity Plastometric tests Plate impact PLM Plug Polar Pollution simulations in Kraków Polycrystal Polycrystals Polyether sulfone Polyethylene Polymer air drawing Polymer composites Polymer membrane aging Polymer printing Polymer-matrix composites Polymers Polyurethane Porous materials Postprocessing subroutines Potts Monte Carlo Powder metallurgy Powder sintering Power turbine casing Poxy resin PP/glass fibre Pre-stressed cable roof Pre-stressed Micro-die Precipitate distances Precipitation Precipitation hardening Precipitation kinetic Precipitation kinetics Precipitation strengthening Predict Prediction Prediction of mechanical properties Process chain Process control Process design Process duration Process model Process monitoring Process optimization Process simulation Process speed Processing maps Product defects Production cycles Production processes Projection-based interpolation Projection-based variational multiscale Prony series Proper orthogonal decomposition Properties modeling Properties of epitaxial layers Prototyping PSO Pulp and paper industry Pulse coupled neural network Pulsed laser deposition Punching
Radial forging Radiation processing Rails Rainflow method Random cellular automata Randomness of creep failure data Rapid prototyping Rapid tube hydroforming Re-meshing Re-sputtering Reaction-diffusion Reactive diffusion Reactor Pressure Vessel Real time computation Realistic microstructure Reasoning in a Bayesian network ReaxFF Recoil pressure Recovery Recrystallization Recrystallization textures Recursive Reduce Reduced-order modelling Reference vector Refill Friction Spot Stir Welding (RFSSW) Reheating Remeshing Reological model of blood Representative Representative microstructure Representative volume element Representativeness Research Residual force Residual stress Residual stress measurement Residual stresses Residual sum of squares Resistance heating Resource – constrained project scheduling problem Resources occupancy Response surface methodology Retained austenite Reverse bending Reverse model RH degasser RHEED intensity oscillations Rheological model Rheological model of blood Rheology Ring compression Ring test Rinite element method Riveted joints RKPM Robotic forming Robotics Rock cutting Rod drawing Roll levelling Roll pass design Roller press Rolling Rolling of rails Rotary forging Rotary rolling Rough set theory Rough sets RTD curves Rule modeling Rule-based system Rules inducing RVE
Safety factor Sammon Mapping Sandwich beam Sandwich plates Sanicro 25 Scale Scale effect Scale formation Scale Invariant Feature Transform Scaling Scandium Schur complement Screening methods Secondary metallurgy Sedimentation Segmentation Segregation Selective oxidation Self-motion Self-pierce riveting Semantic enterprise Semantic search Semi-crystalline Semi-supervised machine learning Sensitivity analysis SERS active substrate Service oriented architecture Severe Plastic Deformation SFIL Shape memory alloy Shape optimization Shaped sections Shear Shear Cutting Shear strain Shear strength Shear test Shear thinning Sheet drawing Sheet metal Sheet metal forming Sheet metal hemming Sheet-metal forming Short can Shrink sleeve Si SIFT Signal filtering Significance analysis Significance of parameters Silicon Silo emptying Simulated annealing Simulation Simulation of industrial processes Simulation of solidification Simulation-based Simultaneous hot/cold forging Single point incremental forming Sintering Six degree of freedom robotic manipulators Size optimisation Size segregation Skew rolling SLA Slab analysis Slag Smart materials Smoothed particle hydrodynamics Soft modelling Soft reduction Softening kinetics Software visualization Solar grade Solid bodies Solid lubricant Solid mechanics Solid rivet Solid surface contact Solid Works Solidification Solidification model Solidification modelling Solidification process Solvers of linear equations Solving linear systems of equations Space projections Space-time methods Special function in FEM packages Spectral methods Spectrin link method Sphere Packing Algorithm Spherical elastic inclusion Spherical shells SPLEN Spot welding SPR Spray cooling Spring life Springback Sputtering Stability estimates Stable finite elements Stainless steel Stainless steel plate Stamping State of aggregation transformation Static analysis Static recrystallization Static Tensile Test Statistic software Statistical analysis Statistical hypotheses Statistical image modeling Statistical methods Statistically similar representative volume element Statistically Similar RVE Steel Steel – steel resistant to corrosion Steel alloy Steel alloy development Steel flow Steel refining Steelmaking Stelmor process Step-and-Flash Imprint Lithography Step-and-flash imprint litography Stiffened plates and shells Stiffness STL Stochastic Stochastic model Stochastic variables Stock surface Storage costs Strain analysis Strain distribution Strain energy density Strain hardening rate Strain localization Strain measurement Strain path change Strain path changes Strain rate Strategy Strength Strength of the SPR joint Stress Stress and strain distribution Stress relaxation Stress relief holes Stress-relief annealing Stretch flanging Stretch-reducing mill Structure Structure characterisation Structure-preserving Structured light projection Subsurface layers Superthin fibres SUPG stabilization Supply chain management Supply chain system Supply chains Surface active element Surface condition Surface defect recognition Surface preparation Surface temperature Surface tension model Surgical threads Sustainable supplier selection SVM Symbolic methods Synergetic model Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique System of argon injection
T-Flex Analysis Table of attributes Tailor tempering Tailor welded blanks Tailor-welded blanks Tantalum Tapered beam Task sequencing Taxonomy Technical simulations Technology design Technology platforms Temperature Temperature field Temperature field modelling Temperature measurement Temperature prediction Tempering Tensile strength Tension-compression test Tensor diffusion Tetrahedron bisection Texture Texture evolution The BEM using discretization in time Theory of constraint Thermal analysis Thermal bending Thermal contact Thermal fatigue Thermal phenomena Thermal stability of lubricant Thermal-mechanical finite element model Thermo-mechanical analysis Thermo-mechanical processing Thermo-mechanically coupled FEM Thermo-piezoelectricity Thermodynamics Thermoelasticity Thermography Thermomechanical Thermomechanical coupling Thermomechanical processing Thin films Thin metal film Thin metal film heating Thin sheets Thin-walled shell Thixoforming Three-layer sheet Three-temperature Thresholding Through-thickness deformation modes Throughthickness deformation modes Ti-6Al-4V TIG welding Time-harmonic loading Time-saving calculations Tin melt Titanium Titanium alloy Titanium alloys Titanium aluminide Titanium aluminide alloy Titanium grade 2 Titanium nitride (TiN) Titanium sheet TNM-B1 Tolerance to damage Tool center point Tool design Tool geometry Tool path Tool system Tool wear Top gas recycle furnace (TGR) Topological derivative Topology Topology optimization TR method Trajectory Transformation Transformation plasticity Transient CSR Transient thermal Transmission electron microscopy Transport model Transverse cracking Triangular- and l-shaped Tribological conditions TRIP effect TRIP steel tSNE TTT diagram Tube Tube hydroforming Tube piercing Tundish Tundish fluid flow Tundish inertization Tungsten Turbulence TWB blanks Twinning Two Phase Flow in Porous Media Two temperature model Two-layer viscoplastic model Two-phase flow Two-phase SLMoS2 Two-points incremental forming
Ultra high strength steels Ultra-high strength low-carbon bainitic steels Ultrafine grained metals Ultrafine-grained materials Ultrasonic imaging Ultrasonic nondestructive testing Ultrasound’s parameter umerical techniques UML Uncertain knowledge Uncertainty Under flux controller of turbulence undish Uniaxial tension Unified optimization framework Unified viscoplastic-damage model uniform approximation AMS MSC: 65D10 Uniform discrete curvelet transform Unit cell Uperplastic blow-forming Upper bound Upsetting
V-bending V-bending process Vacancy distribution Validation Ventricular assist device Ventricular assist device (VAD) Vertebral arteries Vibration Vickers Virtual Enterprise Virtual manufacturing Virtual Organization Virtual reality Virtual testing Virtual-identities Visco-elasticity Viscoelastic material Viscoelasticity Viscoplastic Viscoplasticity Viscosity Vision based measurement Vision System Vision systems Visioplasticity Visualization Visualization methods VOF Void Void formation Void nucleation Volume continuity equation Volume of fluid method Vortex development Voxel approaches
W-temper forming Wagner method Warm forging Warm forming Water spray cooling Water-base lubricant Wavelet analysis Weak and strong solver coupling Wear mechanisms Web services WebServices Weld bead Welding Welding distortions Welding gap Welding pool Welding process optimization Wheel strength Williams-Landell-Ferry equation Windmill shaft Wing structure Wire Wire bonding Wire drawing Wire rod Work hardening models Workability