Generalized approach to the choice of lubricant for hot isothermal forging of aluminium alloys
Pavel A. Petrov
Moscow State Technical University “MAMI.
The present paper is a generalization of the results which were obtained for the last four years (Petrov et al., 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006). It implies the investigations of interfacial friction in hot isothermal deformation of such non-ferrous material as Al-Mn (AA3003), Al-Mg (A95456), Al-Cu-Mg (AA2024) and Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni (A92618) aluminium alloys. Two completely different types of lubricant were used for the research on. Wide range of temperatures was observed. Moreover, the hydraulic press was used for the deformation of the samples of aluminium alloys under study. The tribological properties of lubricants were determined with the help of ring upsetting technique. The sets of calibration curves were drawn. Each set of calibration curves corresponds to the definite type of aluminium alloy as well as definite conditions of deformation. Some practical recommendations were given.
Cite as:
Petrov, P. (2007). Generalized approach to the choice of lubricant for hot isothermal forging of aluminium alloys. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(1), 106 – 111.
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Aluminum alloy, Al-Mn alloy, Al-Mg alloy, Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Al-Cu-Mg-Fe-Ni alloy, Calibration curve, Finite-element method, Friction factor, Isothermal deformation, Numerical simulation, Oil-based lubricant, Water-base lubricant,
Thermal stability of lubricant