Convection of internal variable methodology in computational fluid dynamics solutions for thixoforming modelling
Interdisciplinary Centre for Materials Modelling, AGH University of Science and Technology.
Thixoforming is a relatively new forming method, with high deformation of semi-solid material. From numerical point of view, such materials are difficult to simulate because of gathering some features of solid materials and some of fluids. Materials properties are history dependent like in solids, while deformations could be extremely high, like in fluids. A review of existing numerical solutions is presented in this paper, especially based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods with Eulerian and Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) motion description. Need of new methodology for time-dependent materials behaviour simulations of thixoforming processes are pointed out. Convection of internal variable in Eulerian based simulations is introduced. Implementation as a user supplied procedure into a commercial Finite Element application ADINA-F® is shown. Results of simple thixotropic flow with some shear changes are presented.
Cite as:
Macioł, P. (2007). Convection of internal variable methodology in computational fluid dynamics solutions for thixoforming modelling. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(1), 112 – 118.
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Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), Internal variable, Thixoforming, Eulerian mesh