Impact of the saturation current IS and ideality factor N on the performance of the characteristic (I-V) of a solar cell
Mohammed Khalis1,2,3, Rachid Masrour2,3, Yamina Mir1, Mimoun Zazoui1
1Laboratory of Condensed Matter, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, University of Hassan II Mohammedia, Casablanca, Avenue Hassan II, BP 146, 28800 Mohammedia, Morocco.
2Laboratory of Materials, Processes, Environment and Quality, Cady Ayyed University, National School of Applied Sciences, B.P. 63 46000, Safi, Morocco.
3Laboratory of Solid State Physics, Faculty of Science, Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah University, Dhar Mahraz, BP 1796, Fez, Morocco.
The performance of a solar cell mainly is due to the quality of the starting material. During the production of the solar cell, several defects in different regions of the material appear. These defects degrade the efficiency of the solar cell. Thorough knowledge of the physical properties of defects requires highly sophisticated electrical current-voltage (I-V) characterization techniques that provide information on the physical origin of the defects. The characteristic (I-V) of the cell is governed by several parameters, such as the saturation current Is and the ideality factor n which are the indicators of the quality of the solar cell. These parameters significantly reflect the existence of defects in the material. On the other hand, the use of such a characteristic to go back to the nature of the defects is not widespread because it lacks a data base between the main defects and the modification of the characteristic (I-V). To extract the different parameters, we developed a method based on artificial neurons in Matlab code, then we applied this method to the following cells: GaAs, Simono and polycrystalline and CIGS thin-film cells by applying the model with two diodes. The results obtained demonstrate that the behavior of the ideality factor and the saturation current vary from one cell to another. This variance is important for polycrystalline Si and CIGS cells. Thus, this model is the most suitable for the diagnosis of the characteristics (I-V) for Si and GaAs, but remains incoherent (Mismatches) to describe the characteristic of the CIGS cell because of the non-uniform presence of shunt defects which allowed us to add another component of the leakage current. Finally, this method correlates with the experimental characteristic (I-V).
Cite as:
Khalis, M., Masrour, R., Mir, Y., & Zazoui, M. (2019). Impact of the saturation current IS and ideality factor N on the performance of the characteristic (I-V) of a solar cell. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 19(4), 163-169.
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Dark and illumination current–voltage, Si, GaAs and CIGS, Current saturation and ideality factor, Defects and neural network method.
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