Fast model for phase transformations during cooling of pre-annealed multiphase steels
Danuta Szeliga1, Roman Kuziak2, Władysław Zalecki2, Valeriy Pidvysotskyy2, Yuling Chang3, Wolfgang Bleck3, Daniel Bachniak1
, Maciej Pietrzyk1
1AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland
2Łukasiewicz Research Network, Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy, K. Miarki 12, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland
3RWTH Aachen University, Templergraben 55, 52062 Aachen, Germany
A thorough experimental and numerical analysis of phase transformations in a selected high strength steel was the general objective of the paper. Dilatometric tests were performed for a wide range of cooling rates. Two models based on a mean field approach were considered. The first was an upgrade of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation. The second model was based on the Leblond equation. Both models were identified using inverse analysis of the experimental data. Simulations of various cooling schedules were performed to validate the models. Phase compositions for these cooling schedules were determined. Following this the effect of elements’ segregation during solidification of steel on the occurrence of marteniste/bainite bands was accounted for using the developed models.
Cite as:
Szeliga, D., Kuziak, R., Zalecki, W., Pidvysotskyy, V., Chang, Y., Bleck, W., Bachniak, D., & Pietrzyk, M. (2019). Fast model for phase transformations during cooling of pre-annealed multiphase steels. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 19(4), 150-161.
Article (PDF):

CP steel, Phase transformations, Mean field models
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