On the Specifics of Modelling of Rotary Forging Processes
Bhaskaran Krishnamurthy, Olga Bylya, Lisa Muir, Alastair Conway, Paul Blackwell
Advanced Forming Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, 85 Inchinnan Drive, Inchinnan – PA49LJ, United Kingdom.
Rotary forging process, in spite of its various advantages, has still not reached industrial production scale owing to its complex nature. With the advent of sophisticated finite-element modelling capabilities, it is now possible to make rotary forging more predictable and optimize it for industrial production standards.However, modelling by nature involves a series of assumptions and simplifications that can help us make reasonable predictions. It is important to know the important factors that affect the results, and what compromises can be made, with a genuine understanding of what the compromises will result in. This paper reports some initial findings from our attempt towards robust modelling for the design of the rotary forging process. Herein, we have taken the simple case of rotary upsetting of cylinders using a custom-designed rotary forging machine and modelled it using commercial metal-forming software QForm.
Cite as:
Krishnamurthy, B., Bylya, O., Muir, L., Conway, A., Blackwell, P. (2017). On the Specifics of Modelling of Rotary Forging Processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 17(1), 22 – 29. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2017.1.0571
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Rotary forging, FEA modelling, Process design
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