Generation of dedicated finite element meshes for multiscale applications with delaunay triangulation and adaptive finite element cellular automata algorithms
Łukasz Madej1, Filip Krużel2, Paweł Cybułka1, Konrad Perzyński1
, Krzysztof Banaś1,2
1AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland.
2Cracow University of Technology, Kraków, Poland.
The main aim of the work is development and comparison of algorithms for mesh creation that can be further used to investigate material behavior under loading conditions, on the basis of digital material representation. Particular attention is put on development of conforming meshes for two-phase materials. Two approaches are investigated within the present work. The first is based on mesh refinement along particular microstructure features. The second incorporates the cellular automata phase transformation model into the finite element adaptation technique. Description of the two approaches and an example of application of the obtained meshes to analyze multiscale material behavior under plastic deformation condition are presented.
Cite as:
Madej, Ł., Krużel, F., Cybułka, P., Perzyński, K., & Banaś, K. (2012). Generation of dedicated finite element meshes for multiscale applications with delaunay triangulation and adaptive finite element cellular automata algorithms. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 12(2), 85 – 96.
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Finite element mesh generation, Digital material representation, Inhomogeneous deformation, Mesh refinement