Experimental verification of simulation model of impact response tests for unsaturated polyester/GF and PP/GF composites
Sanita Zike, Kaspars Kalnins, Olgerts Ozolins
Institute of Materials and Structures, Riga Technical University ,Azenes iela 16/20-353, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia.
In this paper validation of experimental and numerical results of low-velocity composite plate impact tests have been carried out. Good validation results allow designing large scale composite structures required by specific industries. Experimental impact tests were performed using drop-tower Instron 9250HV determining impact force and energy absorption of materials. In addition, quasi-static testing equipment Zwick Z100 has been used to determine material mechanical properties to ensure good input data for numerical predictions. Numerical model has been created with the finite element commercial code LS-DYNA to simulate impact response of unsaturated polyester/glass fibre and polypropylene/glass fibre (PP/GF) composite laminate. Finally ultrasonic imaging system USPC 3010 has been used to identify the delamination growth and rupture regions in the specimens. Results of experimental impact tests indicate that PP/GF composites are capable to absorb more energy and better resist impact compared to polyester/GF composite. Response of both composite laminate types were simulated in LSDYNA with good agreement, with the exception of deformation regions that are larger than observed in experimental specimens with non-destructive ultrasonic imagining system.
Cite as:
Zike, S., Kalnins, K., & Ozolins, O. (2011). Experimental verification of simulation model of impact response tests for unsaturated polyester/GF and PP/GF composites. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(1), 88 – 94. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2011.1.0317
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Plate impact, LS-DYNA, PP/glass fibre, Impact simulation, Composite simulation