Effect of temperature and strain rate on friction factor during hot deformation of al-mg and al-cu-mg al-alloys
Pavel Petrov1, Denis Gnevashev1, Andrey Dubinchin1, Michael Petrov1, Valentin Solotych2, Jon Wostryck Eiesland3
1Moscow State Technical University “MAMI”, B.Semenovskay str. 38, 107023 Moscow, Russia. 2Technical University of Munich, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. 3Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and technology.
The paper is linked to the investigation of the effect of temperature as well as strain rate on friction properties of lubricants for hot-die forging. Friction factor was chosen as one of the criteria for the estimation of the mentioned effects. The research on friction has been done for Al-Mg and Al-Cu-Mg aluminium alloys at elevated temperatures. The lubricants’ behaviour was investigated within the temperature range of 200-470oC. Physical and numerical investigations of friction were performed. The conditions of experimental investigation corresponded to the forging processes of Al-alloys under study with the help of the hydraulic press and screw press as well. The ring upsetting technique in combination with FE-simulation was chosen for the numerical investigation of the effect of temperature and strain rate on friction factor value. The regressions for the relationship between friction factor and temperature as well as strain rate for the lubricants under study have been obtained. Some practical recommendations were given.
Cite as:
Petrov, P., Gnevashev, D., Dubinchin, A., & Petrov, M. Solotych, V., Eiesland, J., (2009). Effect of temperature and strain rate on friction factor during hot deformation of al-mg and al-cu-mg al-alloys. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(1), 55 – 60. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2009.1.0208
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Al-Mg alloy, Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Ring test, FEM, Friction model, Friction factor, Lubricant