Fundamentals of a recommendation system for the aluminum extrusion process based on data-driven modeling
Marcin Perzyk, Andrzej Kochański
, Jacek Kozłowski
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Materials Processing, Warsaw, Poland.
The aluminum profile extrusion process is briefly characterized in the paper, together with the presentation of historical, automatically recorded data. The initial selection of the important, widely understood, process parameters was made using statistical methods such as correlation analysis for continuous and categorical (discrete) variables and ‘inverse’ ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis methods. These selected process variables were used as inputs for MLP-type neural models with two main product defects as the numerical outputs with values 0 and 1. A multi-variant development program was applied for the neural networks and the best neural models were utilized for finding the characteristic influence of the process parameters on the product quality. The final result of the research is the basis of a recommendation system for the significant process parameters that uses a combination of information from previous cases and neural models.
Cite as:
Perzyk, M., Kochański, A., & Kozłowski, J. (2022). Fundamentals of a recommendation system for the aluminum extrusion process based on data-driven modeling. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 22(4), 173–188.
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Aluminum extrusion, Advisory system, Product defects, Data mining, Neural networks
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