Conversion of compression test data into flow curve, accounting for barrelling
Shahin Khoddam, Peter D. Hodgson
Deakin University, Institute for Frontier Materials, GTP Building, 75 Pigdons Road, Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216, Australia.
Current solutions to convert the axis-symmetric compression test (ACT) data to flow data ignore the barrelling deformation in the sample. This work presents a solution for the test which accounts for the sample’s barrelling by discretising it into a finite number of layers of different radii. The solution assumes a constant and sliding friction at the anvil-sample interface. The sample’s flow behaviour is identified by combining a recent kinematic solution of the test, Prandtl–Reuss–Mises’s equations and a slab-analysis of the layers. It also involves an averaging of the effective plastic stresses developed in the individual layers. The solution is verified for a special case of no-barrelling which matches the currently used solution.
Cite as:
Khoddam, S., & Hodgson, P. D. (2021). Conversion of compression test data into flow curve, accounting for barrelling. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 21(3), 157-162.
Article (PDF):

Compression test, Flow curve identification, Barrelling induced shear, Multi-layer, Slab analysis
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