The influence of material aging on the structural behavior of a flexible roof with a polymer membrane shell
Andrei V. Chesnokov, Vitalii V. Mikhailov
, Ivan V. Dolmatov
The Faculty of Civil Engineering, Lipetsk State Technical University, Moskovskaya street 30, 398600 Lipetsk, Russian Federation.
The roof structure considered in the research consists of continuous cables and a number of spreaders forming a three-dimensional frame. The frame is covered with a polymer membrane made of flexible architectural fabrics. The elements of the roof are compact and suitable for transportation to remote construction sites. The roof also has advantages for developing areas with harsh climatic conditions.
The flexible elements of the roof, however, only provide transmission of tensile forces. Under compression, cables slacken and the membrane becomes wrinkled. Pre-tension of the flexible elements, which is introduced to retain the operability of the roof, tends to gradually diminish due to material aging. The aging results in the alteration of strength properties and creep elongation of the structural elements. It induces membrane tearing on local areas.
Force alteration in primary structural members is examined in the present study, with statistical methods used for data analysis. They include significance hypothesis testing and correlation coefficients estimation. The data are obtained by the Finite Element simulation of the roof using EASY-2020 software.
The results of the work may be used for life expectancy assessment of flexible roof structures, providing important information for the preliminary design stage. The work contributes to the safety enhancement of cable-membrane structures and the expansion of their scope in permanent building constructions.
Cite as:
Chesnokov, A. V., Mikhailov, V. V., & Dolmatov, I. V. (2021). The influence of material aging on the structural behavior of a flexible roof with a polymer membrane shell. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 21(1),13–24 .
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Polymer membrane aging, Creep, Stress relaxation, Pre-stressed cable roof
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