Investigation of metal flow inside shape grooves during rolling of channels with large strain intensities
Michał Dziedzic, Stanisław Turczyn
, Zbigniew Kuźmiński
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland.
The aim of the following study was to introduce new roll pass design of channels into industrial practice. The necessity of usage of a greater charge stock has caused need for applying rolling with large deformations. The main task during modelling was a proper filling of the grooves in the two high and universal rolling stands. Apart from that, the location of grooves in the rolls assembly, selection of reduction in all parts of the groove and the stress/strains distributions in the roll bite were calculated. At first, the series of plastometric tests were performed to obtain characteristic data of the rolled steel, which were required for the subsequent calculations. During computer simulation all passes were calculated until accurate profiles were obtained, i.e. until the rolled material properly filled all parts of the grooves. Both axial and vertical roll forces were checked as to whether they were below permissible values. Obtained results are presented for several passes of channels rolling. Commercial code Abaqus Explicit were chosen for realization of the fully three-dimensional model. Finally, the results of numerical modelling were used for working out of new roll pass design for rolling sections with large deformations, which was applied in industrial conditions.
Cite as:
Dziedzic, M., Turczyn, S., & Kuźmiński, Z. (2019). Investigation of metal flow inside shape grooves during rolling of channels with large strain intensities. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 19(3), 107-112.
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Channels rolling, Numerical modelling, FEM, Roll pass design
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