Crystal plasticity finite element simulations of the indentation test
Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Pawińskiego 5B, 02-106 Warsaw, Poland.
The goal of the paper is to report the successful simulations of the nanoindentation problem. The finite-strain isotropic elasto-plasticity and crystal elasto-plasticity models used for the simulations are described. The developed contact formulation describing the contact with rigid surface approximating pyramidal indenter is presented. Both tensile stress-strain and indentation load-penetration curves obtained with a single set of material parameters are presented to be in the satisfactory agreement with experimental data. It seems that such a result is presented for the first time
Cite as:
Frydrych, K., (2019). Crystal plasticity finite element simulations of the indentation test. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 19(2), 41-49.
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Crystal plasticity, Indentation, Al 6061-T6, Nanoindentation, Vickers, Berkovich, CPFEM
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