Experimental and numerical investigations on the forming behaviour of hybrid structures produced by non-kinematical constraint manufacturing processes
Bernd-Arno Behrens, Alexander Chugreev, Henrik Schulze
Institute of Forming Technology and Machines (IFUM), Leibniz Universität Hannover, An der Universität 2, 30823 Garbsen, Germany.
With regard to the challenges in the automotive production sector, caused by political regulations of CO2 emissions, lightweight concepts are focussed by industrial development. Fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) represent an alternative material compared to monolithic steel. On the one hand FRP materials offer advantages like less density with high specific strength, on the other hand new production concepts and processes are needed. A possible approach is the combination of different forming processes for the production of new hybrid components. Polymer based and conventional sheet metal material characteristics differ strongly. Therefore an extensive material characterisation is needed as well as appropriate mathematical methods concerning the material modelling. This publication deals with the material characterisation of glass mat reinforced thermoplastic composite (GMT) and the finite element based design of a manufacturing process of hybrid components with metallic inlays.
Cite as:
Behrens, B., Chugreev, A., Schulze, H. (2018). Experimental and numerical investigations on the forming behaviour of hybrid structures produced by non-kinematical constraint manufacturing processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 18(4), 128 – 133. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2018.4.0623
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Glass mat reinforced thermoplastic composite, Hybrid material, Sheet metal, FEA
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