Parallel FEM code for simulation of laser dieless drawing process of tubes
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków.
Paper is devoted to the development of FEM code for simulation of laser dieless drawing process of micro tubes made from magnesium alloy. Difficulties in the development of parameters of such technology are related to the fact that this process is based on the free forming of the workpiece. For this reason it is difficult to determine the parameters of the process allowing to receive specified tube dimensions. The proposed solution is based on the use of parallel computing. The parallel solution of the vector of problems, which was generated by the method of factorial experiment was considered. Solved tasks allow to generate acceptable window of process parameters and to determine the parameters that guarantee the dimensions of the final pipe. A numerical effectiveness of the developed code is based on the usage by all parallel processes the one matrix with addresses of non-zero elements in the stiffness matrix.
Cite as:
Milenin, A. (2017). Parallel FEM code for simulation of laser dieless drawing process of tubes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 17(4), 178 – 185.
Article (PDF):

Parallel computing, Dieless drawing, Metal forming, Magnesium alloys
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