Strategy for the selection of the best phase transformation model for simulation of metals processing
Łukasz Rauch, Krzysztof Bzowski
, Konrad Perzyński
, Łukasz Madej
, Andriy Milenin
, Maciej Pietrzyk
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
Connection of the finite element program with phase transformation models is often needed when prediction of distribution of phase composition in the product is of interest. Depending on the type of the phase transformation model this connection may involve long computing times. Moreover, when the optimization task has to be formulated and solved, the computing costs may radically increase. It is particularly troublesome when the objective function is composed of advanced microstructural parameters or product properties, evaluation of which requires an application of multiscale modelling techniques. In the present paper the possibilities of decreasing of the computing costs for optimization of metals processing were explored. Several case studies, which require connection of the FE code with phase transformation models, were analysed and computing times were compared. Efficiency of modelling depending on the complexity of the macro scale FE mesh was evaluated
Cite as:
Rauch, Ł., Bzowski, K., Perzyński, K., Madej, Ł., Milenin, A., Pietrzyk, M. (2016). Strategy for the selection of the best phase transformation model for simulation of metals processing. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 16(4), 224 – 237.
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Modelling, Phase transformations, Computing costs, Materials processing
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