Micro-scale heat transfer. Algorithm basing on the control volume method and the identification of relaxation and thermalization times using the search method
Bohdan Mochnacki1, Mariusz Ciesielski2
1Higher School of Labour Safety Management in Katowice, 40-007 Katowice, Bankowa 8, Poland.
2Czestochowa University of Technology, Institute of Computer and Information Sciences, 42-201 Czestochowa, Dabrowskiego 69, Poland.
The thermal processes proceeding in micro-domains can be described, among others, using the dual phase lag model (DPLM). According to the newest opinions the DPLM constitutes a very good description of the real heat transfer processes proceeding in the micro-scale, in particular on account of extremely short duration, extreme temperature gradients and the very small geometrical dimensions of domain considered. The base of DPLM formulation is a generalized form of Fourier law in which two times τq, τT appear (the relaxation time and thermalization one, respectively). The numerical solution of the problem discussed bases on the author’s version of the Control Volume Method adapted to resolve the hyperbolic partial differential equations. The example illustrating the method application concerns the estimation of τq and τT using the algorithm basing on the search method and the thin metal film subjected to the laser pulse is considered.
Cite as:
Mochnacki, B., & Ciesielski, M. (2015). Micro-scale heat transfer. Algorithm basing on the control volume method and the identification of relaxation and thermalization times using the search method. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 15(2), 353-361. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2015.2.0539
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Micro-scale heat transfer, Control Volume Method, External heating, Numerical simulation, Estimation of lag times