Modelling of the die wear in the hot forging process using the archard model
Marek Wilkus1, Sławomir Polak2, Zbigniew Gronostajski2
, Marcin Kaszuba2, Łukasz Rauch1
, Maciej Pietrzyk1
1AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
2Wrocław University of Technology, Łukaszewicza 5, 50-371 Wrocław, Poland.
In hot forging, die wear is the main cause of failure and cost of dies is a meaningful part of the manufacturing costs. In this paper, the wear analysis of a closed hot forging die used at the final stage of a component manufacturing has been performed. The simulation of forging process was carried out by commercial finite element software and the depth of wear was evaluated using Archard model. The results of the die wear measurements were used for identification of material parameters in the die wear model. Changes of the material parameter and hardness of the die material with increasing number of forgings were introduced in the model. By comparing the numerical results with measurements taken from the worn die, the accuracy of the model was evaluated for different points of the die surface. The parts of the die in which other than abrasive wear mechanism are active were identified.
Cite as:
Wilkus, M., Polak, S., Gronostajski, Z., Kaszuba, M., Rauch, Ł., & Pietrzyk, M. (2015). Modelling of the die wear in the hot forging process using the archard model. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 15(2), 311-321.
Article (PDF):

Forging, Tool wear, Archard model, Identification