Metamodel driven optimization of thermomechanical industrial processes
Jan Kusiak, Łukasz Sztangret
, Łukasz Rauch
, Maciej Pietrzyk
AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
The main objective of the paper is presentation of the metamodel driven optimization (MDO) strategy of thermomechanical industrial processes. In this approach, the model of considered industrial process is replaced by a metamodel, which allows obtaining a significant reduction of the simulation time. Low simulation time of the analyzed process gives the ability to use heuristic optimization methods, which increase the probability of finding the global optimum. The paper discusses the idea of metamodelling and presents results of metamodelling and optimization of a selected metal forming process.
Cite as:
Kusiak, J., Sztangret, Ł., Rauch, Ł., & Pietrzyk, M. (2014). Metamodel driven optimization of thermomechanical industrial processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 14(1), 20 – 26.
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Metamodel driven optimization, Artificial neural networks, Cooling of rails