Micro scale modelling of stress and strain partitioning in high strength dual phase steels
Alireza Asgari1, Hassan Ghadbeigi2, Christophe Pinna2, Peter D. Hodgson3
1School Of Engineering, Deakin University, Victoria, 3216, Australia.
2Department Of Mechanical Engineering, The University Of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3jd, UK.
3Institute For Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Victoria, 3216, Australia.
Multiscale modelling of stress and strain partitioning in Dual Phase (DP) steel was carried out using both realistic microstructure-based Representative Volume Element (RVE) models as well as stochastic microstructures generated by Monte Carlo (MC) method. The stochastic microstructure models were shown to resemble that of realistic microstructures, enabling research on the specific aspects of the microstructure that could be difficult to control and study during experimental work. One such feature of the realistic microstructures studied in this work was the grain size and microstructure morphology. The microstructures were generated with varying average grain sizes while all other parameters, such as boundary conditions, material properties and volume fractions of martensite and ferrite were kept constant. It is found that the effect of grain size is much more pronounced during the initial localisation of the plastic deformation at and around the interface of the phases. In addition, the decrease in ductility and increase in strength of the DP steels are directly related to the refinement of grain sizes of each phase and the stress-strain partitioning in between them.
Cite as:
Asgari, A., Ghadbeigi, H., Pinna, C., & Hodgson, P. (2012). Micro scale modelling of stress and strain partitioning in high strength dual phase steels. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 12(3), 163 – 174. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2012.3.0394
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Realistic microstructure, RVE, Monte Carlo simulation, Grain size, Dual Phase steel