Numerical and experimental studies of the strength of riveted joints
Nanjiang Chen1,2, Jean-Loup Chenot1, Min Wan2, Julien Malrieu3, Maxime Thonnerieux3, Richard Ducloux4
1CEMEF – Mines ParisTech, BP 207 – 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France. 2School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Beihang University, 100191, P. R China. 3Cetim Saint Etienne, 7 rue de la presse, 42952, Saint Etienne, France. 4Transvalor, Les Espaces Delta, BP 037 Sophia Antipolis Cedex / France.
In general, there are two main types of failure observed in solid riveted joints: tensile failure and shear failure. To study these phenomena, four sizes of riveted joints are utilized to do the riveting, tension and shear process. Meanwhile, corresponding FEM models are built in Forge® 2009 to simulate each process for these joints. In the simulations, Bauschinger Effect of the rivet material is taken into account to obtain more accurate simulation results. Based on Oyane et al. (1980) and Cockcroft and Latham (1968) damage criteria, a new damage model in which the first principle stress and hydrostatic pressure are both considered is proposed to predict the fracture initiation and growth in the tension and shear process of riveted joints. The results from the simulations are in quite good compared with those from the experiments.
Cite as:
Chen, N., Chenot, J., Wan, M., & Malrieu, J. Thonnerieux, M., Ducloux, R., (2010). Numerical and experimental studies of the strength of riveted joints. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 10(4), 259 – 270.
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Riveted joints, Solid rivet, Strength, Finite element method