Mathematical model of warm drawing of mgca0.8 alloy accounting for ductility of the material
Andrzej Milenin, Piotr Kustra, Marek Paćko
AGH University of Science And Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland.
The results of experimental and numerical analysis of MgCa0.8 magnesium alloy are presented in the paper. Basing on experimental tests the flow stress function and the dependencies between ductility strain, triaxiality factor, temperature and strain rate were obtained. Experiment was performed on the testing machine Zwick Z250. The algorithm based on the inverse method was used to interpret correctly experimental results. The FEM modelling of upsetting and tension tests was helpful to obtain conditions of material fracture. The developed models of mechanical properties were implemented into the Drawing2d FEM code and simulations of drawing of surgical threads were performed. The introduced approach enabled modelling of the drawing process at elevated temperatures, accounting for the material fracture.
Cite as:
Milenin, A., Kustra, P., & Paćko, M. (2010). Mathematical model of warm drawing of mgca0.8 alloy accounting for ductility of the material. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 10(2), 69 – 79.
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MgCa0.8 alloy, Wire drawing, Finite element method, Surgical threads