Expert system application in modelling and controlling the copper flash smelting process
Jolanta Talar, Piotr Jarosz, Jan Kusiak
AGH-University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków.
The main goal of the paper is an attempt to develop a rule-based expert system (ES) allowing prediction of the key output parameters of a flash smelting process. The expert system knowledge base was built with classification trees (C4.5 algorithm). The second task of the present study was to develop an expert system to support the selection of the control parameters for flash smelting process optimisation. The present paper also describes the results of flash smelting process modelling by using the ES and the concept of ES operation, in turn supporting the process control.
Cite as:
Talar, J., Jarosz, P., Kusiak, J., (2009). Expert system application in modelling and controlling the copper flash smelting process. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(3), 379 – 391.
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Modelling of metallurgical processes, Control system, Expert systems, Decision trees