Experimental study of v-bending process of steel-polymer-steel sheets at room temperature
Sergej Tipalin, Michael Nikitin, Nikolaj Shpunkin
Moscow State Technical University “MAMI”, B.Semenovskay str. 38, 107023 Moscow, Russia.
The paper is linked to the investigation of formability of three-layer sheets. A sheet consists of two outer layers made of low carbon steel and one polymer inner layer. The polymer’s layer lays between the outer layers. The experimental study of V-bending process of composite sheets has been done. The effects of sheet thickness, bending tool geometry and tool speed on flow stress have been investigated. The obtained data were compared with the results of V-bending process of common low carbon steel sheets. It was determined that in case of composite sheets V-bending the effect of tool speed has significant effect on load of deformation and flow stress as well. The possible explanation for the observed effect was given. Data and advices for numerical simulation of the V-bending process are the final output of the paper.
Cite as:
Tipalin, S., Nikitin, M., & Shpunkin, N. (2008). Experimental study of v-bending process of steel-polymer-steel sheets at room temperature. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 8(3), 138 – 143. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2008.3.0199
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Three-layer sheet, V-bending process, Effect of tool speed