The analysis of the influence of plug shape and its position on piercing process in skew rolling mill
Jan Kazanecki1, Zbigniew Pater2, Jarosław Bartnicki2
1AGH University of Science and Technology, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland. 2Lublin University of Technology, Nadbystrzycka 36, 20-618 Lublin, Poland.
In this paper the results of FEM simulations of piercing process in skew rolling mill with disc guiding devices of Diescher type are presented. During this process material is formed by means of two skew rolls, two guiding devices and piercing plug mounted on mandrel. The analysis of this process aimed at determining the influence of plug shape and its placing comparing with rolls position on the piercing process. Six cases of piercing were analysed in which four different plugs were used. The changes of basic parameters were analyzed: strain, strain rate and temperature distributions in characteristic longitudinal sections of formed part in the function of shape and position of plug. The numerical results obtained by means of software MSC.SuperForm 2005 were verified in experimental conditions, in which tube shell from bearing steel of 100Cr6 type was pierced. The comparison of FEM calculations and experimental results showed good consistence.
Cite as:
Kazanecki, J., Pater, Z., & Bartnicki, J. (2007). The analysis of the influence of plug shape and its position on piercing process in skew rolling mill. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(2), 299 – 304.
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Skew rolling, Tube piercing, Plug, FEM, Experiment