Object-oriented realization of the FE solver for compression test
AGH University of Science and Technology.
The paper deals with developing and implementing object-oriented model of finite element solver for simulation of compression material tests. First, mathematical model of compression on the basis of incompressible nonlinear viscoplastic low is considered. A weak form is developed using SUPG stabilization method. Several methods providing convergence of Newton-Raphson method for linearization of discretized model are presented. Then, purposefulness of applying of object-oriented technique is shortly discussed. Finally, description of object-oriented model of the FE solver is presented with short description of all classes.
Cite as:
Matuszyk, P.J. (2004). Object-oriented realization of the FE solver for compression test. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 4(4), 127 – 143. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2004.4.0062
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