Decoupled homogenization of hyperelastic composite with carbon black inclusion
Martyna Poręba-Sebastjan, Waclaw Kuś
Department for Computational Mechanics and Engineering, Silesian University of Technology, Konarskiego 18A, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland.
The goal of the paper is to present the application of decoupled homogenization method to the modeling of hyperelastic composite with inclusions. The method presented in the paper is illustrated by numerical analysis of a trunk door seal. The decoupled homogenization method was used to find macroscale properties of hyperelastic material. The method allows for the determination of the equivalent properties of a composite material based on its structure and the results of numerical experiments. Unlike the coupled method, the results are not transferred in every iteration between scales during computations which leads to lower calculation costs. The analyzed micro model consisted of a hyperelastic matrix and stiff inclusions in the form of spheres of carbon black material. The decoupled procedure uses evolutionary algorithm to obtain macro model material properties. The finite element method is used during analyses of micro scale models.
Cite as:
Poreba-Sebastjan, M., & Kus, W. (2020). Decoupled homogenization of hyperelastic composite with carbon black inclusion. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 20, 14-23.
Article (PDF):

Decoupled homogenization, Evolutionary algorithm, Composite, Hyperelastic material
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