Heading of a small bi-metallic components for electric contacts
Institute of Manufacturing Technologies, Warsaw University of Technology, Narbutta 85, 02-524 Warsaw, Poland.
Electrical connectors mostly have silver contacts joined to the supplying and discharging electric current elements by riveting. In order to reduce costs, the rivet core of the contact can be replaced with a cheaper material such as copper. There is a wide range of commercially offered bi-metallic, silver-copper rivets available for the production of contacts. This generates a new situation in the riveting process, as the bi-metallic rivet is to be formed. In the analyzed example it is a small-sized object that places it near the limits of micro-forming. The riveting process was originally designed by classical upsetting. It was based on the results of FEM simulation taking into account the deformation of three materials included in the joint: two materials rivet and sheet material. The FEM results were verified by the results of experimental studies, obtaining good agreement. The method of elimination of the impact of elastic deformations of the load system on the process forces flow was elaborated and it was used for comparative analysis with the force flows obtained from FEM. A model simulating the working conditions of the connector was developed. Based on the joint load modeling results, it was shown that the resulting silver distribution in the connector head eliminates the risk of separation of both materials during exploitation.
Cite as:
Presz, W., Cacko, R. (2018). Heading of a small bi-metallic components for electric contacts. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 18(2), 41 – 48. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2018.2.0612
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Metal forming, Heading, Bi-metallic component
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