Elaboration of ductile fracture criteria based on punching forgeability test
Łukasz Lisiecki, Skubisz Piotr
AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Metals Engineering and Industrial Computer Science, Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krakow, Poland.
A new approach of forgeability test, based on compression-punching state of stress was proposed. Comparison of the results of the presented research methodology with standard compression test is presented. The new forgeability test is designed to generate controllable failure location for good plasticity materials, which high the level of stresses accompanying the fracture. Different shape of tools and specimens tend to show the effect of geometry on the areas of concentrations of tensile and shear stresses, which play important role in formation of cracks. The paper presents the methodology based on laboratory tests of compression and pseudo-punching performed on laboratory rig with 5MN hydraulic press and numerical FEM simulation of the tests on commercial code with introduction of the elaborated fracture criteria.
Cite as:
Lisiecki, Ł., Piotr, S. (2016). Elaboration of ductile fracture criteria based on punching forgeability test. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 16(2), 70 – 75. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2016.2.0562
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Forgeability test, Failure strain, Fracture prediction, FEM
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