Physicochemical characterization of the fuel by the ultrasound method

Said Soudani1, Mohammed Mekkaoui2, George Nassar3, Ziane Derouiche1

1Laboratory Signal and Images, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Sciences and
Technology (MB), Oran, Algeria.

2Laboratory of Rhéology, Hydraulic’s Department, University of Sciences and Technology (MB),
Oran, Algeria.

3OAE Department, University of Valenciennes, France.



A physical medium, whatever its nature ,solid, liquid or gaseous is characterized by physicochemical parameter which are unique to it and which differentiate it from any other medium. But it can also be characterized and differentiated by its acoustic parameters: it’s like two sides of the same coin. It is on these hypotheses that we suggest designing an ultrasonic measurement bench allowing the physicochemical characterization of a medium from its ultrasonic parameters. The work therefore consists in characterizing a certain number of fuel samples using the standard characterization benches to determine their physical parameter (viscosity, viscosity index, density, pour point, flash point, % Nitrogen, % Zinc) and to characterize the same samples by the ultrasound characterization bench to determine their ultrasonic parameter (celerity, compressibility, absorption, attenuation, transfer function, acoustic impedance). Two databases are thus constituted for the samples: a physical database and an acoustic database. Subsequently to determine the physical parameter of any unknown sample belonging to the same medium, it suffices to determine its ultrasonic parameter. We thus replace all the characterization benches, physical and chemical (as many bans and reagents as parameters) by a single and unique characterization bench: ultrasound characterization bench below. The aim is to proceed at the physicochemical characterization of the various oil wells in the HASSI MESSAOUD zone petroleum of Algeria in order to design with the hydraulics’ department of the university the appropriate extraction pumps at each well. Since it was difficult to obtain samples of the wells in question, we have treated engine oils which have the same characterization parameters as fuel.

Cite as:

Soudani, S., Mekkaoui, M., Nassar, G., & Derouiche, Z. (2020). Physicochemical characterization of the fuel by the ultrasound method. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 20, 33-39.

Article (PDF):


Fuel extraction, Characterization, Physicochemical parameter, Ultrasound’s parameter, Measuring bench, Databases


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